This principal choir leads and supports the People’s Song in worship weekly September-May and on other festival days of the church year. This ensemble offers a variety of fine choral literature, folk music from around the world, and hymnody in addition to leading congregational song. Members serve as teachers and leaders among the assembly. Service offerings are a culmination of preparations, prayer, and rehearsals.
The choir meets weekly on Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00pm
Grace Brass includes brass players and percussionists, adding strength and brilliance to our festival worship services. The ensemble supports the assembly’s song with hymn and liturgy accompaniments as well as other voluntaries on occasion.
Rehearsals are scheduled prior to each festival service.
This ensemble rings in worship once a month and occasionally for festivals. The choir prepares anthems in addition to accompanying hymns and liturgical song, heightening the musical expressions of the people.
The ensemble meets weekly on Wednesday evenings, 6:15-7:15pm.
This is a time of faith formation and music ministry for children age 3-grade 5. We gather to explore our worship, faith and music life together - asking questions, reading the Bible, praying, playing instruments, singing and moving, learning about God’s gifts of music, making friends.
Children lead in worship occasionally
Children gather weekly on Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:00am.
Drum circle participants gather for both personal enjoyment and worship leadership. This improvisatory group is a lot of fun, and can even be therapeutic. Children and adults alike gather monthly to develop their skills and share with one another.
The Circle meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month, 5:30-6:15pm.
This informal group gathers twice monthly to hone skills and have fun together while playing sacred and secular songs. Worship leadership and outreach opportunities in the community are occasional options,
but not required for participation.
This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, 6:30-7:30pm.
Deacon Ruth continues her service to the Lutheran Church as an ordained rostered leader, vested in 1987. She holds a BA in vocal music education and organ from Luther College, with graduate studies at Westminster Choir College and Gettysburg Seminary. As a choir director, organist and worship leader, she served Lutheran and Episcopal congregations in Wisconsin, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas, Illinois and Ohio before accepting the call to Grace in 2024.
Ruth lives her passion to equip people for music ministry. Beyond parish ministries, she enjoys serving with leaders in both synodical and national expressions of the church. Active in the ecumenical work of American Guild of Organists, The Hymn Society and the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, Ruth is married to polymath
Dr. Marshall Thomas.