Worship is a verb, not something we watch happening in front of us! We all participate - all generations and abilities.
Our worship is rooted in God’s Word, and is Gospel-centered.
We come to worship with our whole selves, expecting that God meets us through the gifts of:
As we worship, we acknowledge our local and global community
Our worship helps us experience
In all of this, we are being shaped and taught to be a living expression of the crucified and risen Christ.
SUMMER WORSHIP (starting the 1st Sunday after Memorial Day)
9:30 am Sunday Worship - with Holy Communion
(Quiet area is provided for children in the sanctuary)
REGULAR WORSHIP SCHEDULE (starting the 1st Sunday after Labor Day)
10:30 am Sunday Worship - with Holy Communion
(Quiet area is provided for children in the sanctuary)
7am Thursday First Prayer